Författare: Gustavsson, Sven (red.)
ISBN: 91-7402-362-4
ISSN: 0348-1433
Antal sidor: 230
Utgivningsår: 2007
Serie: KVHAA Konferenser 63
Beställningsinformation: eddy.se
Proceedings from the Third Swedish-Serbian Symposium in Stockholm, April 21–25, 2004
This symposium was part of the co-operation between the Royal Swedish Academy of Letters, History and Antiquities and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. The contributions elucidate the chosen topic – this time the capitals Stockholm and Belgrade – from various angles and with various scientific perspectives.
The Swedish researchers discuss Stockholm through factors of spatial differentiation, immigration and urban policy, real and imagined borders, modernist architecture, music and cultural diversity, the management plan for the urban national park, growth and stagnation in the history of Stockholm, and Stockholm in literature.
Most of the Serbian contributions take up the situation at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st, such as the social and political grounds of the destruction of the built environment of Belgrade, the socio-demographic development, the search for a new musical practice of the immigrants/refugees in Belgrade, and reflections on the history of Belgrade in the 1990s. Other contributions concern modernism in the planning and construction of New Belgrade as well as literary life in Belgrade.
Contributing authors: Roger Andersson, Uppsala; Ljiljana Blagojevic, Belgrade; Heidi von Born, Rimbo; Mats Franzén, Uppsala; Sven Gustavsson, Uppsala; Rolf Jacobson, Uppsala; Jelena Jovanovic, Belgrade; Dan Lundberg, Stockholm; Thomas Lundén, Södertörn; Lars Nilsson, Stockholm; Vida Ognjenovic, Belgrade; Ksenija Petovar, Belgrade; Mina Petrovic, Belgrade; Milan Ristovic, Belgrade; Owe Ronström, Visby; Vladimir Stevanovic, Belgrade; Lisbeth Söderqvist, Stockholm; Miodrag Vujosevic, Belgrade
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