Författare: ENGWALL, Lars, HEDMO, Tina & PERSSON, Olle
ISBN: 978-91-88763-02-0
ISSN: 0083-677X
Antal sidor: 138
Utgivningsår: 2019
Serie: HANDLINGAR Filologisk-filosofiska serien 25
Beställningsinformation: Beställ här
This volume presents findings from research on the development of corpus linguistics in Sweden as a scientific innovation. It begins with a presentation of the early international development of corpus linguistics as well as the institutional and disciplinary conditions for research on the subject in Sweden, followed by accounts of the first generations of Swedish innovators. External funding and international development were important for these pioneers, alongside the fact that established professors in language departments seem to have been relatively open to the new ideas. Developments in Sweden are placed in an international perspective.
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