Kungl. Vitterhetsakademin

Birgitta, Syon and Vadstena

Birgitta, Syon and Vadstena

Författare: Gejrot, Claes, Risberg, Sara & Åkestam, Mia (eds)
ISBN: 978-91-7402-394-7
ISSN: 0348-1433
Antal sidor: 301
Utgivningsår: 2010
Serie: KVHAA Konferenser 73

Beställningsinformation: eddy.se

Papers from a symposium in Stockholm 4–6 October 2007

The symposium “Saint Birgitta, Syon and Vadstena“, initiated by the Swedish Birgitta Foundation (Birgittastiftelsen), took place in Stockholm in October 2007. In this volume, medievalists and Birgittine scholars within various disciplines and from different countries contribute with papers presented on the occasion. The main topics are the two monasteries in England and Sweden, Syon Abbey and Vadstena, the reception and production of texts, but also archaeology, book illuminations and biographies of individual sisters and brothers. Additional papers deal with various aspects of other Nordic Birgittine houses and discuss Saint Birgitta and her Revelations.

Contributing authors: Elin Andersson, Stockholm; Virginia Bainbridge, Bristol; Martin Berntson, Göteborg; Jonas Carlquist, Umeå; Richard Farrant, London; Olle Ferm, Stockholm; Elisabeth Hallgren, Umeå; Ingela Hedström, Oslo; Ann M. Hutchison, Toronto; Karl G. Johansson, Oslo; Marko Lamberg, Jyväskylä; Inger Lindell, Stockholm; Topher Martyn, London; Laura Saetveit Miles, Yale; Janken Myrdal, Uppsala; Susan Powell, Salford; Elisabet Regner, Stockholm; Eva Lindqvist Sandgren, Uppsala; Nina Sjöberg, Uppsala; Jan Svanberg, Stockholm.


Janken Myrdals och Elisabet Regners föredrag på Forskartorget på Bok & Bibliotek i Göteborg 2010 kan ses på UR Play.

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