Författare: Håkan Möller & Ola Sigurdson (red.)
ISBN: 978-91-88763-25-9
ISSN: 0348-1433
Antal sidor: 224
Utgivningdatum: 2021-10-19
Serie: KVHAA Konferenser 105
Beställningsinformation: Beställ eller ladda ner här
The essays in this volume explore the intersection between literature, theology and religion in the writings of the awardwinning American novelist and essayist Marilynne Robinson. The first section, On Theology, centres around Robinson’s theology from the perspectives of poetics, science, and history. In the second section, On the Novels, a particular focus is set on Robinson’s three novels Gilead, Home, or Lila and the life and theological concerns of their characters. Common to these essays is the attempt to understand why and how Robinson is one of our age’s most celebrated authors on home and homelessness, on faith and prophetism, on forgiveness, and on hope in the midst of despair.
Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien
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